
Monday, September 22, 2008

Track Seventeen

I noticed from a photo my friend took yesterday, that I happen to have this one really massive neck muscle. Yes, I thought that was a necessary piece of information to share with everyone. Now I have, you all know a bit more about me.
Welcome to the Window. It's one of those days, where the sun was shining, not a cloud in sight, and then it starts to piss rain. Speaking of which, why is it that rain falling resembles sadness? "The sky is crying with me, mirroring my emotions." Hahaha, no offense, but the sky couldn't give a shit about your emotions. I love the rain, the wind, dark weather, all the weather that emo people like to reflect their pain with. Unfortunately though, in my eyes, the rain shows a change, the washing away of the day's problems. Wind brings a sharp slap in the face to tell you to snap out of your self depressing state, and dark weather is just dark. That's all. End.
Hypocricy is on the verge of everyone's lips. You can deny it, you can accuse someone of it, regardless of how much you may try defend yourself of being a hypocrite, you are one, and every defensive word leaving your mouth simply digs your grave even deeper. Best move I'd say is just keep your mouth shut.
So, as a result of this epiphany, I will end here. "It's so totally the bad weather. Rain is my pain flowing."

Haha smile =]

Take it easy everyone.