
Monday, May 11, 2009

Chapter Ten

Once again, the day passed in a blur. It's crazy, the more I think about school, the faster it seems to slip by. So I reasoned that if I think about it all the time, maybe I might just be able to enjoy this year.

You know what the best part of the day was though? Kicking back in my chair once I got home, slipping on the good ol' headphones, and letting my music just carry me away. There's nothing left to think about, nothing to worry me, not a single thing to give me hell. Just the music and me.

That's how it always should be.

As I let the music play, I gazed out of my bedroom window, over to the hill at the end of the street. The sun was beginning to set, and the familiar golden rays began playing on the grass, tiny glass shards reflecting the light in every direction. I knew that I was hoping to see Zahra, I won't deny it. She wasn't there though, just the hill and the sun, nothing more.

"Screw this." I said to myself, and with that, I pulled off my headphones, grabbed my jacket and headed downstairs to go to the hill. I needed to get some air anyway.

Well, that's what I was telling myself. Purely for the fresh air. Purely.