
Friday, March 27, 2009

Seven Sonnets For Her

This is a series of sonnets written from a man to his lover, beginning with his first sighting of her, followed by his descriptions of her features which enrapture his heart, mind and soul. Following this, he begins to talk about their relationship, which begins off as smoothly as any other. However, this love is struck by disease, which takes her life, leaving the man despondent and alone, his only hope resting in the possibility of joining her in heaven. I wrote these sonnets last year for my English creative piece. I hope you enjoy them.

Sonnet One.


They say the first impression is the key
Which opens up the doors to any love
Releasing forth a tide of feelings free
The blessings of the cupid's aim above
Jolting every sense in mind and body
Then slowly paralyzing every thought
This poison? Or is't something benignly
Caressing restless soul, precious love caught
Mere script hold not enough expressions deep
To flaunt and flourish this which plagues me so
Such blatant, brazen feelings thieve my sleep
And in my dreams these seeds of love do sow
No words remain to say of this, embossed
Far too deep in my heart, it's all but lost

Sonnet Two

A pair of eyes too deep, no man could fathom
Enthralling constantly my craving will
Wary not, I risk myself lost in the chasm
Which are your mystifying orbs, tranquil
Windows to your soul, they mislead my view
Yet constantly search for you inside
That which you guard by sea of brightest blue
For eternity will I try melt your pride
Barring all, spare none, to inner self
All who look, deception and rejection
Greets them, when the look into this ice shelf
The only cold, harsh, hurting reflection
Oh eyes, oh eyes, the icy diamonds hard
Intriguing, taunting, pulling at my heart

Sonnet Three

Tainted with the tempting taste of trick'ry
Twisting tales of truth laden with sweet lies
These lips of thine have tweaked the lines of mock'ry
Till lips of mine lust for your taste, they cry
Taken by your words spun with tongue of fire
Teasing all my tumultuous passions
Tenderly, with voice of heavenly choir
Thrilling me to desperate obsession
Tincture be your words to all my sorrows
Time and time again, the most soothing balm
Trading hurts for love promised tomorrow
Treasure, this be, for naught like this can calm
Trepidation melts, with all worldly woes
Tears, my gratitude for this love that flows

Sonnet Four

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Or perhaps naught can truly bring justice
This radiance, now mine to hold and say
Aloud of my rejoicing and promise
To you, I give the world, both heart and soul
My body for your will, and yours alone
Keep it, love it, hold it, make it your toll
For me, your will is worth more than any stone
Your love, I shall hold dear for eternity
As it graces my life for years to come
No weapon formed against me shall vict'ry
When love so strong protects my heart and home
I promise thee, oh dearest in my life
Ever present shall I be, even in strife

Sonnet Five

We dance away the time spent together
No hindrances exist to hide such joy
Frolicking in a world for us, fore'er
Such greatness in this love, I'm overjoyed
Necessity to repeat o'er and o'er
My exuberance has no restriction
Unconfined this of mine has no laws
To alter or to bind, my pure addiction
When love of mine with yours meets and combines
A fireworks display could never match
If looked upon with bare unhindered eyes
This vision, so powerful the mind would catch
Joy of joys, heart of hearts, unfold in mine
Sibilance, grace and love returned in kind

Sonnet Six

Woe, such woe, ensnares this passion from me
Whence came this dreaded affliction, to you
With want to thieve our love, and take with glee
Wavering-not, my love, my life, soul too
Without you, most assuredly I die
Wakeless in a sleep so lonely, depressed
Waiting, praying for a miracle d'vine
Wilting as the gloom around, hope supress
Wasted life, spurned love, products of this
Why, oh why, such cancerous plague must crush
Weathered bond, that has through all never ceased
Wafer thin now, as death leans close to touch
Wailing anguished'ly as you slip away
While the final sleep comes to rob our day

Sonnet Seven

Quiet is the world, when you're not b'side me
Missing you, a pain no mortal could bare
Superhuman I have become, to see
Myself survive this quake, through my heart tear
Nothing remains to give, or take inside
Nothing but emptiness pursues my will
This disaster of unmatched burden, quiet
Destroying all but primal urge to kill
Revenge on what? Can mere man strike disease
With sword, or fist, or any weapon known
Helpless I am, to wreak my vengeance pleas
Gone, art thou, forever from world around
But Heaven shall open its gates for me
To join you, love you, for eternity