
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Track Thirty-Two

What is an insecurity? Is it a fear of failure, or perhaps to be unsure of the outcome? Funny thing is, I'm insecure about the fact that I don't truly know the definition of insecurity.

Welcome to the Window. Due to my limited English skills, I checked the meaning of the word insecure in the dictionary, and in gave me the definition as follows: "insecure = unsafe; not firm; liable to give way".
When someone says to me that they're insecure, I used to think it was simply that they didn't have confidence. However, the dictionary defined explanation of the word shed a whole new light over the potency of this word, and how deeply it can actually reach.
The words that flooded my mind post referring to the dictionary, were vulnerable, exposed, weak, afraid, stripped, broken, anxious, nervous, and another that just slipped my mind. All of these words seem stereotypical, and boring. We've heard them all before. But think of an image, or a scenario with each individual word. Vulnerable: a young toddler left alone in the middle of a busy street, open to the elements of our unstable society; a teenage girl who's just been sexually assaulted, beaten and abused both physically and mentally; a man in his late thirties, realising he wasted all his years of effort and education to simply take an occupation he despises, with no family and no money; an elderly man who's lost his wife, has children who dumped him in a home, as he clings to whatever remaining dignity he can muster, as Alzheimer's disease tears his mind and soul apart.

A couple who lost their children, their home, their livelihood, their friends, their entire knowledge of existence, all in a swift, yet brutal fiery blaze.

These are people with vulnerabilites, the people with insecurities. This small and simple word, harbours a lifetime of grief and sorrow, tribulations and despair.

The exact point I'm trying to make, I don't even know for sure. I guess I'm asking for a reevaluation of just how insecure we may see ourselves to be, and reasons behind it. You'd be surprised how little you might have.

On a final note, I'd like to ask you all to perhaps make a donation to the numerous groups and organisations collecting money for the Victorian bushfire victims, or even simply say a little prayer, hope for the winds to change and the rain to come.

Take it easy everyone, keep smiling =]